My thoughts, as I learn and unlearn things while trying to make sense of this mad and bad world.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

To set the ball rolling ...

Studying for my finals right now (which start tomorrow), so cant write anything creative right now.

Here's the first post I ever wrote ...

A new day, a new beginning ... and I guess a new world. This is my first attempt at blogging. People who know me personally would find that strange, because blogging has been around for years and I am a perpetual netizen (Hate this word). For them, I have these five words -
1. Did
2. Not
3. Feel
4. Like
5. It

What makes me "feel" like blogging today ? Frankly, I do not know. I guess, today is just like one of those days when you wake up and say "I am going to clean my room today" and you do it. Your mom's surprised, Dad's giving a sly smile and your dog (if you have one) starts yelping, as the clean confines of the room make him feel alienated.

Its a blog and you are probably thinking, that why am I not coming straight to the point ? What is it that this guy wants to talk about ? Am I right ... You bet I am !

You know, I am writing this because I have nothing to talk about, or is it that I have too many things to say and do not know where to begin ? Hmm ... Have to sort this out ... need to talk to myself. Hey ... have you ever spoken to yourself ?

Me : How you doing ? I am writing my first blog and cannot think of a suitable topic. Can you help ?

Myself : Am fine. Thank you. What about you ?

Me :
Just chilling dude ! Listen, I need some help with my blog.

Myself : Why are you always in such a hurry ? Its been a long time , since we had a chat. Just because we reside inside the same body, we feel so complacent about each other's presence. We hardly ever talk, hardly ever spend any quality time with one another.

Me :
... Jeez ... You complaining like a woman !

Myself : No-one is complaining. Am just reading out the facts the way they are. The two of us are supposed to be two sides of the same coin. But now it looks like the two sides are two separate entities of their own.

Me : ... Umm ... I am not sure whether I understand you.

Myself : Of course you do not ! Here ... sit down and listen to me patiently and do not interrupt me. We will think about your blog later. You seated ? Good !

Remember the Keanu-Reeves movie The Matrix ? If you can recall, in that movie everyone had 2 forms - One was their true self, revealed only to them and close ones ... and the other was their digital projection into the Matrix, there for all to see. That is exactly how it is now. You are the projection of yourself into tho world. What you are, is a mixture of (1)what you want to see yourself as, (2) what you want others to see you as, and finally (3) what you actually are. Whereas I am insulated from the outer world. I am very simply just what I was destined to be. And that is, YOUR true self.
The two of us are so similar and yet so different. You do not like listening to heavy metal , but still you do it because you are scared that your friends will call you a queer if you listen to soft, mushy stuff. But you do it anyway, trying to give them the impression that you are enjoying the guys screaming at the top of their voices. Smoking makes you cough, but still you do it ... because smoking makes you look macho. Keeping long hair, irritates you and makes you sweat ... but still you have this long mane, because its the so very "in" thing now. You are just following the herd blindly without listening to me - your inner self. Trust me, a few years from now you will be far happier if you walk on the path that I tell you rather than the path you are currently treading.

Me : Oh ! Come on ... you are not telling me anything new ! I know all this crap ! Even I have thought about what you have just said. Its just that, I often feel I should get in touch with you because you always tell me the right thing to do, but somehow I am always short-changed for time.

Myself : In today's world you will never get time. You will have to make time to converse with me. You keep putting things off by convincing yourself that I will do it. But the truth is that time keeps flying by. And then one day will come, when you would have buried me deep in the sands of time and you will be left all alone in a dark room full of shadows of things that might have been.

Me : Are you sure about what you are talking ? Your words are hardly coherent ... I am now totally confused that what is it that you have been wanting to tell me ...

Myself : What I want to tell you is that, keep in touch with me. I am just asking you for 10 minutes of your time. 5 minutes before you go to sleep, have a chat with me. Tell me what all you did, what all you said, what are your dreams, what do you want to achieve, what are the things dear to you and the like.

Me : ... Umm ... That sounds like a good idea but what about the remaining 5 minutes ?

Myself : Haha ... Don't you want to wish me good morning and tell me what are the things you plan to do during the day ?

Me : Yes. Sure. Ofcourse I will do it !

Myself : Do this without fail daily, and one day you will get to meet a a very dear friend of mine, his name is "Conscience".

Me : Will do dude ! You know its nice speaking to you after such a long time. Please do not mind my saying so ... but I think I have forgotten your name ! I am sorry !

Myself : It was nice talking to you too. I have not spoken to you in as much detail as I would like to, but I intend to do that in 5 minute capsules every morning and night starting from tonight ... and my name is "Prayer". Do not forget it this time. I got to leave ... as for now goodbye !

Me : Bye ! ... Hey, just a minute ... I thought you were going to help me with my blog!

Myself : I just did ! Cheers !

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